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Wednesday, July 13, 2022



whkattk said...

Been vaxed and boosted (twice). Doctors are now suggesting another shot in October with a vax for the new variants. I'll be getting it - I'm certainly not afraid of Bill Gates tracking me. LOL

Workmen and Rednecks said...

I say: let these (MAGA) dumb-antivaxxers pay their bills. Hopefully they'll have to sell back their AR-15s and the like of them to assume the cost.
Oh and while we're at it: by now it should be clear tha any non-vaccinated person asking for and benefitting from this kind of medical care should be denied their right to vote for at list the next 4 years, along with the obligation of being fully vaccinated within the next 6 months after their debts' refund.
In other words (and here I am addressing Mr Biden's administration): if you want to be heard and understood by any segment of the population you are in charge of, then you’d better remind yourselves the communication basics: if you are hereby facing fascit-thinking people, then speak to them in terms and conditions that’ll appeal to their values. Anything else they’ll just discard and throw back to your face.

SickoRicko said...

Pat - Jerry and I will, also, when it comes out.

Laurent - You have very good ideas.

Hot Naked Daddy said...

i got second vaccination, it's not a big deal here in my country, we're free masking now, but im sure they spread the news about corona rising case again someday, honestly i believe corona is made by humans, my teacher was died and buried as a covid victim, she was died stroke actually, the way they put those died patients in plastic bag just makes me sick, i always think those some medical community are shady

JiEL said...

OMG! That last hospital bill is outrageous and very sad.

Here in Montreal and in Canada, that would never be seen and the bill is a small «0»$ as we have universal healthcare for decades.

I was wondering if this patient «insurance» company would pay for that huge bill?

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - I really don't know.

VRCooper said...

Folks need to get real!!

"Vaccine Passports" have been going on for decades with children and schools. Being in the healthcare field, every year, towards the start of a new school year, many clinics have special days set aside for parents to bring their kids in for their shots in order to be admitted for the school year. I lived in DC and vaccines were required as well as dental exams for children for the new school year. I was in the military and I can't tell you how many shots I had. I had to be combat-ready to go to any country.

I have been COVID 19 vaccinated and boosted. I have on my radar another booster close to the fall. I have no problem with an app or a card like Gorge T. is referencing-to show to enter establishments. It's for the greater good.

whkattk said...

@ JiEL - The insurance company will probably pick up most of it after the deductible is paid. But, IMO, if this was a non-vaxxed person they should be responsible for all of it. 'Course, then they would just declare Medical Bankruptcy and the rest of us would end up paying for it all, anyway. That's the other nasty part of the US medical system.

SickoRicko said...

VRCooper - Anti-vaxxers don't care about the greater good.