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Wednesday, June 15, 2022



  1. If God wants to "beat it together" with us, maybe the lightning bolt is just the Divine Climax? It might explain why the "Laid by the Lord" ladies' hair looks like that.

    As for Islam being a religion of peace, there are surveys showing that the percentage of non-religious people in the Middle East is similar to in the US. They're just not visible because they don't dare be open about it; they know what the fanatics there would do to them if they openly admitted they didn't believe in Islam any more.

    Gotta go grab some microbrews -- all true believers know that outer space is only a theory, though.

  2. Those song titles are flippin' hilarious!!! "Led by His Mighty Staff" "I Felt Him Come" "Morning Glory" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Infidel - I don't blame non-believers in the Middle East for not being visible.

    Pat - I was pretty certain that the album cover was a joke; and Snopes just now proved.

    Laurent - Me too!

  4. All good, but the last one rings especially true.

  5. ...... and then there is that great hymn, famously sung by the Mormon Tabanacle Choir : Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The CUMMING Of The LORD.

  6. Anon@8:57am - How could the jokester have missed that one?

  7. Xersex - I'm pretty sure that's a joke.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.