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Sunday, April 10, 2022


Meanwhile, in South Carolina...

I'm sure geezus would be pleased.


  1. Ohhhhh shiiiiiitt - and I thought Texas was fucked up!!!

  2. Particularly ironic as Jesus was A Pepsi guy.

  3. There has to be some blasphemy going on here. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODY!!! Some MANAGER in that store is going to HELL!!! Some MANAGER in that store is going to HELL!!!

  4. jsstrand - Unfortunately, bat-shit crazy lives all over this country.

    Jimbo - That's what I thought!

    Milleson - I certainly hope so!

  5. I knew it, Jesus was on «coke» or maybe going all with his 12 apostels was he more a «cock» lover... Nobody knows yet...

  6. I assume it's a reference to the famous William Jennings Bryan speech -- "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of cola" or something like that.

    Seriously, any sane Christian would consider this an insult to Christianity. I can't imagine anything more trivializing to a religion than this kind of display.

  7. I can't imagine Coca Cola being on board with this. If I saw that I would write a letter of complaint.

  8. I find it funny as fuck. Who says Christians don't have a sense of humor. Where's the pissed off church ladies?


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.