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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday Fractal & GIFs + ...

This is Jerry's Birthday cake that he made from his grandmother's recipe. It's a vanilla cake and he altered it slightly by adding dollops of raspberry jam in the middle of the batter before it went into the oven. I made the vanilla buttercream frosting with coconut but, as you can see, it was a little bit too thin and started to run down the sides even though the cake was completely cooled. Anyway, it was a labor of love from both of us. Jaja!


BatRedneck said...

Birds are stupid.
Birds are noisy, especially the half-hour before it's time to wake-up in the morning.
Birds shit you from up in the sky, and some even relentlessly laugh at you whenever you walk down the beach.
Still they are funny simple creatures (exception made for pigeons - shitty bastards).
Think about it: birds once were dinosaurs, which means they will most surely outlive us humans in whatever their future shape. Time to show them a bit of respect.
Anyway, fall is ending soon and winter is coming. So consider putting a plate of seeds, with a piece of margarine, on your balcony or windowsill. Renew it as needed until spring pops up anew.

Special PS: thanks a Million Rick for Jerry's Grand'Ma cake recipe. Much appreciated! XO

Purple Wolf said...

Looks yummy! And sounds like it was. The advantage of baking is that you can still eat your mistakes and keep trying and trying until you get it right (not that one needs an excuse). So happy birthday again, and much happiness to both of you.

bobbert said...

How much of that cake is left?

SickoRicko said...

Bat - You're probably right about birds outliving humans. They, and cockroaches. My Madrid penpal just told me that the city is performing a huge cull of their errant parakeet population.

Purple Wolf - Thanks again.

bobbert - Haha! Still quite a bit. Some is destined for the freezer.

SickoRicko said...

Bat - Oh, you are very welcome to the recipe.

Anonymous said...

That looks better than any cake I ever tried to make.

SickoRicko said...

Anon@3:53pm - Frosting fixes lots of things. :-)

VRCooper said...

The cake looks great...I love a simple cake...The frosting looks great...As long it is not overly sweet...I am a coffee cake man myself...I have been known to wipe off 3/4 of the frosting and dive in...I was wondering about placing it on the stove...Radiant heat...

Uncle Vic said...

That's my piece. What's everyone else going to have?....

SickoRicko said...

VRCooper - Unfortunately it was way too sweet for you and Jerry, but just right for me. Next time I'll use more butter and less powdered sugar. I put it on the stove just for the photo. There's an overhead light there.

Uncle Vic - Haha!

Xersex said...

Hope you (both of you, because you're together) had a terrific birthday!