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Saturday, July 31, 2021



JiEL said...

OMG! I «almost» laugh to these «Fuck News» memes.

So true.
I have «sadly» a gay couple friends of mine that are «Republicons» from Delaware. As they come to visit me while going to their condo in Québec city I had put «Fuck News» on my TV cable menu to please them.

I was also curious to see what is so «super» about it.
Well, after two minutes of listening to all «Fucker Carlson's» crap I was done with it and my stomach was badly reacting so I change channel.

Sometimes I go to hear what they are saying and again, my eye balls are almost droping with such outrageous and so much biased ways they tell their news.

I like no.2 Star Trek one as I'm a all time Trekkie.

That kind of news channel on Canadian TV which is that right estremist oriented would never be seen here.
Our journalists and news ancers are doing a fairly good job in bringing us more objective point of view and are giving all sides of some topics the chance to be heard.

Big difference between USA and Canada.
We are less polarized in politics.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Canada is less f*cked up than the U.S.A.

JiEL said...

It's incredible from outside USA how too much politicized is so many part of your society.
We don't live here by putting all the different fields of our lives in regard of our «politic liberal or conservative» points of views.

As I told you in the past, the federal parliment had 5 parties in it.
My provincial governement has 4 parties not really affiliated to the federal ones.
For all of our cities town halls, the parties which are in different numbers have no affiliation toward the federal or provincial parties.

ALL our police, lawyers and sure judges are without affiliation to any politic parties. The judges on all courts have to be none partisan and don't have the right to express their politic preferences. They have to be neutral.

Also the main difference between our countries is the fact that our «Conservative Party» would be like a left party more like your Democrate Party and even more on the left of it.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - That's very interesting about your conservative party being more left.

JiEL said...

Our first «medicare» universal health care system was put in place in 1962 by the NDP (National Democratic Party) of Tommy Douglas of Province of Saskatchewan.
Then many other provinces did the same and even our federal governement put it in a national law even if health competency in the Constitution is a provincial prerobative.


SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Thanks for the link.

uptonking said...

I want to live to see the day when Fox News goes down in flames. It is such a cesspool, having promoted the very worst type of salacious garbage. The closest they come to presenting an actual fact is when the camera and mic stays on when the presenter thinks they're off the air. We saw O'Reilly topple. It's only a matter of time and ego before Tucker and Hannity follow. And let's not forget that gorgon Laura. I want them all disgraced.

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - I'd like to see each of them - and Murdock, too - drop dead.