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Saturday, July 17, 2021



BatRedneck said...

Critical thinking should be at the very core of any educational system, whatever the age or the subject taught.

And that is when I went blabbering over upon how the people are being fooled, etc
But this is no place for it, so I deleted that (too) long paragraph.
Thank you for these memes. They are so true - IMHO.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - You are very welcome.

Critical thinking has been intentionally removed over the decades by conservatives so the masses will be more pliable.

JiEL said...

Slavery and black people are very closely imbeded in USA's hitory as the native one too.
Trying to erase it from any educative hitory books is part of washing facts and giving white people no way to learn and understand why black people and natives went through for centuries.

For the last one, I sadly think that those morons who are denying science should not be treated when they catch COVID sickness as they denie SCIENCE well 21st century medecine.

On a gay site I just had one of those morons saying that I was « a poor man»... I asked him why and he said that it was because I had my second Pfizer shot and that all this pandemic is a «geopolitical» scam.

There are brainless people everywhere even here.

BatRedneck said...

The same happened here. It seems began with the altered teaching of fine arts, because Arts are knows to convey ideas and the means to master them. And the other matters followed in what became a melting pot of pseudo-common knowledge.
However sad it may sound, I stick to the idea that I rather be a bit old here and now than to live one of my little nephews' lives.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yes, morons are everywhere.

BatRedneck - That is a very good point.

JiEL said...


I don't know where you live but I'm a fine art teacher (1974 to 2011) here in Province of Quebec and even one year teaching in Ontario, and NEVER saw such thind as an «altered teaching of fine art».

I was also teaching Fine Art History and never hide all about any styles than were in the world. Here, the teacher is the master in his classroom and we follow our Education Ministery guide lines which are very open minded.

I also did teach native art to 15yo teenagers and did tell them ALL about who natives were and did suffer by the arrival of white people.

Never had a complaint from parents or my director.
I had more some congratulations for giving my students such knowledge.

uptonking said...

Anit-Vaxxers are getting what they deserve... but, they are also ruining life for those of us who have done the right thing all along. Hope they enjoyed their birthday parties, BBQs, and strip clubs. F 'em.

I have become a cranky old man. There is so much to be pissed off about and it seems to leak onto every service, into every pore. That is the price of being aware, of being woke, of being capable of critical thinking. Once you have that knowledge and skill - you are F'd. No more blissful ignorance for you... those days are over.

Thanks for all the info, Rick.

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - I certainly can relate.

BatRedneck said...

@JiEL: I have no doubt as to these open minded skills which must have made of you the kind of teacher your former students sure still keep in high regards. Your contributions here speak for themselves.
It is truly comforting to learn first hand that Canada incites it seems its teachers to dwell on whatever they may find pertaining to Arts comprehension.

As for my previous comment, I was referring to:
- the sum of technics one needed to learn, and possibly master, regarding drawing, painting etc. How many students are able to draw a fine sketch?

- the history, the context that leads to and surrounds any so-called important piece of art ; I am sure you were smart enough as a teacher to align your teachings with the ones from History courses. Again, all the better for your students.

- overall the way arts are a display of their time and therefore being their product, as much as they were/are used to lure people into power or controversy. And that is even more important now in our world filled with pictures.
Lafayette waving a flag over a victory? Bonaparte crossing the Great Saint-Bernard? Just power imagery for political ends.

Those are simplistic examples of what seems not to be put in perspective here in France when it comes to teaching "Arts" - to my knowledge. And it seems it's been like this since the 19th century bourgeoisie came up with that simple trick: the former aristocracy was highly educated (but we bourgeois are too busy making money), so let's just lower the ordinaries educational level. We will still stand above the plebeians. This side effects became widespread when instating the Republic after 1870 here. And, unfortunately, it seems that republican teachers were duped into racing their pupils to the bottom. Arts teaching still remained worthy enough, at least until WW2. It then became the poor relation in schools and colleges.
"Grandeur et décadence", don't you think?

I do ho you Canadians go on at being better at that than us.