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Saturday, July 17, 2021


I can relate...


JiEL said...

So true!
The only and real Justice in this world.

Only IF those billionairs would really think about it.

We live to gain money to loose it all when we die. What the use to gather such richness.

BatRedneck said...

However unfortunate it is, becoming more and more rich no longer has anything to do with transmission. This ship has sailed (and sunk).
No, this is now just a matter of decadence, which kind of rhythms with despair. Like the will for believing that being wealthier makes one more valuable amongst others. It is purely infantile, selfish and merciless. (I stole your marbles sets while you were all peeing, now they're mine and I get to be the marbles' Master of the playground!)
Please do not kill the riches. Just send them to a minimum wage's full-time job (for a change) and see how they're doing when it comes to affording themselves a place to live...

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - Yeah, cleaning toilets in a public restroom, or something like that.

uptonking said...

Huh. I have never been infatuated with money. I know that became a very vogue thing in the 80's, but other than what it might buy in order to do the work I wanted, it was of little interest. Now that I'm nearing retirement? I look at it a bit differently... I see the years I sort of squandered, but I wouldn't trade them for more money in my 401K. It's the ant and the grasshopper. Who's the bigger fool.. the one who didn't enjoy the sun while it shined or the one who slaved and saved for later? What if there is no 'later'?