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Thursday, July 15, 2021


(Honestly, this could also be said of Democrats.)


JiEL said...

With all what is going on in the 21st century there are so many politicians in USA who need some brain, heart and spine transplant.

It's almost too late to do so many changes which could make «America Great» to face all those challenges.

Those two parties are putting so much energy to fight that they forget that they were elected to SERVE the Constitution and ALL Americans.

Crazyness is going too much baliscitc empowered by those damn social medias and «Fuck News».

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yeah. Faux Noise and Qanon have really f*cked this country up.

whkattk said...

You're right, Rick. The bastards are focused on all the wrong things.

Xersex said...

#2 so true (and sad)

uptonking said...

Is that JOAN???? Stunning photo. I've never seen it before.

love the memes.

Cori Bush is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT - get stuff done. Get rid of the filibuster. It's a stupid piece of arcane rules and order. F it. And Joe Manchin needs to go with it!

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - Yes, that is Joan.

Jeff said...

I'm from West Virginia and I think Senator Manchin is worthless. If he thinks voting with the majority party (Republicans) in my state will endear him to the voters in his next election, he has another thing coming. He will be defeated and replaced by a Republican. Definitely.

SickoRicko said...

Jeff - I agree that Manchin is worthless.