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Sunday, June 06, 2021

Daily Fractal & GIFs + ...

(This is the new and improved more inclusive Pride Flag.)


uptonking said...

So many colors on that flag!

Joe Pineapples said...

It's hideous. The colours clash and I don't like chevrons. It looks so tacky now. Like a 1980's nylon leisure suit worn by condo dwelling geriatrics who own miniature poodles and only eat TV dinners. The flag wasn't about grous of people, it was about everybody and adding these chevrons makes it about certain groups and negates the point of the flag. The whole rainbow flag was about diversity. This is gilding the lily and it sucks.

BatRedneck said...

Hi Rick. What do they mean by 'more inclusive' flag?
Because to me it seems it only has ten colors (B&W not being colors) among the millions perceptible colors to our human eyes.
In other terms, I would rather not be labelled by a colour (nor a rainbow, sorry Mrs Garland) for my sexual preferences/habits, my attitudes in private/public, or my taste for soft-boiled eggs at breakfast, you name it :-)
I can't help but thinking that a flag eventually owns those who raise it, rarely the other way around.

SickoRicko said...

Joe Pineapples - I pretty much agree with you.

BatRedneck - I guess the flag has succumbed to political correctness.

Milleson said...

I agree with your commenters so far. I have a feeling that the general consensus will be that the new flag was not necessary and the original flag will be more accepted and displayed. Sometimes you just have to say "Screw political correctness."

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - From what I have read, the flag will be different in different cities. Sheesh.

Milleson said...

Sheesh indeed! Let's take an uncomplicated, inclusive, cohesive idea and really fuck it up. Sounds like a good plan to me.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - It's what humans do best.

WickedHamster said...

I completely agree with these comments. A simple, direct, and powerful image has become diluted, complex, and confusing. There are now apparently 2 shades of violet required? I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. For me the "old" flag was perfect: all the colors of the rainbow; unity in diversity. No one color was meant for any group in particular. The first version of the flag had even more colors in it--said to represent various characters such as strength, courage, etc. It was reduced to something with a clearer and more powerful impact. So now what was meant to be all-inclusive is now supposed to be "more" inclusive? Don't screw up a now universa; symbol which has served us so well.

SickoRicko said...

WichedHamster - I totally agree.