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Thursday, April 22, 2021


World Earth Day

(Those dots represent space junk.)
(I just had to throw this one in.)


whkattk said...

It's amazing how fast the pollution has returned...air, water, and noise! You'd think mankind would've had an epiphany upon seeing how quickly the air cleared up when the world was in lockdown.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - We'll never learn.

Mistress Maddie said...

Happy Earth Day! Not only in the air and space, but the oceans and waterways are like junk yards. It's disgusting how we treat the Earth.

That last is brilliant!

JiEL said...

As us never learning it's so true and maybe the fact that all about history isn't well taught in schools and that people only live to the present moment not having any feed back to the past errors.

The same for the last one which is that never ending story in mass shootings in USA. Seems that those who are «pro life» against abortion are to stupid to aknlowledge and see that their fear to loose their rights to bare weapons is contratictory to their ideology and religious faith.

So much contradictions in USA's people.

SickoRicko said...

Mistress Maddie - Disgusting indeed.

JiEL - I can't argue that there are a lot of contradictions down here.

BatRedneck said...

At first sight I was sceptic as to the knowledge (and concerns) about that from people in 1912. How stupid of me.
A little digging led me to several articles, one of these being:

Another one there (which has the elegance to refer to his sources):

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - Thank you for those links. I should hire you as my fact checker.

Unknown said...

I figured we had a 💩storm of trash circling the world, just couldn't wrap my mind on how much. If we learn, it will be amazing.

SickoRicko said...

Unknown - There's enough up there that it will be a definite problem soon.

BatRedneck said...

Fact-checking is just a journalistic fuss, a rebranding of what's commonly called common sense. Something that many should be more caring at teaching their children / pupils / whoever.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - The world certainly could use more educating.

Xersex said...

everything negative we do comes back to us!