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Thursday, March 25, 2021



  1. Ooo.. the balls on that Navy dude. Good for him.

    Nicole is absolutely right. And they are doing it... in Georgia. Already done. Wake up, folks.

    Robert Reich is 100% on the money. GET TO WORK. Clock is ticking.

    And that toon is spot on, too. Thanks for sharing these, Rick.

  2. OMG! Do I like the last one. He nailed him so much.

    For voting supression as I already said to you, as a Canadian I cannot understand that this ideology is still in USA and is sadly refering to even the end of the Cessession war when Lincoln tried to free black people and give them a little part of full liberty life in USA.
    Maybe Democrates have some «majority» in both the chambers but in the Senate, their majority is too thin.

    It'll take 60 votes to pass the gun legislation, HR voting law and others too.
    NEVER the Retrumplicons will allowed it to pass even if the majority of Americans are for those changes.

    Again, it'll be a Merry go Round or cha-cha dance and new policies will be held still as in the 60's.

    What it shows to the rest of the world is that USA's government isn't working and is in constant denial of what is going on on your own country.

    How many mass killings will it take to at last make those «heartless» Senators to act and vote some legislative laws to end it.

    This is only one example but on many other American issues, those regressive lawmakers are still acting as «neanderthals» as some said.

  3. uptonking - You are very welcome.

    JiEL - It's my understanding that if the Dems get rid of the filibuster they only need 51 votes. But I could be wrong.

    Rad - Indeed!

  4. Only a sailor would pull that one, we spend our entire time in learning to be bigger smart asses and assholes than we were when we went in. This guy is one of the best I am quick but damn that was seriously quick good on him.

  5. Go back for decades, your way of making laws and government fonctionning, it's rare that some progressive laws are voted without some turnmoil or ferocious oppositions from the far right representatives.

    In a REAL democracy, EVERYONE as a citizen of a country SHOULD and MUST have his voting rights assured against any parties of ideology.
    ALL those 40 bills in some states to make voting hard to some of the Americans, mostly colored people, is a very bad example to the rest of the democratic countries in the world.

    Time for USA's sensible people to react and show their outrage to those who are putting barriers to cast votes.

  6. Anon@10:18am - Thank you for your service and your smart assness!

    JiEL - Absolutely. Especially since there has been a voting rights act since 1965 protecting disenfranchised people.

  7. Number two raises an obvious sense of urge, reminding people (starting with those from both chambers) that the right time for right decisions is NOW!
    Number four's spontaneity is brilliant. I send @DakotaJW a virtual hug and my actual esteem.

  8. Perfect response to the MAGAt-hat wearer - who probably never put on a uniform.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.