WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



  1. sexy...the male form does lend itself quite well to black and white photography.

    On an unrelated note, as some may know Im a massive Wonder Woman fan and today [October 25th] she will have been published for 70 years; her first appearance being in All Star-Comics issue 8, back in 1941... and she's still going strong today!
    Happy Birthday, Wonder Woman!

  2. Karl - Congratulations to Wonder Woman!

  3. Hot guys!
    Specially #1.
    Happy Birthday to Wonder Woman - although are we saying Happy Birthday to the actress who played her, or the character herself?

    BTW, the annoying pop-up that appears the very first time you comment is gone!

  4. Greg - As Karl mentioned, it's the character's birthday. As for the pop-up: I'm glad it quit happening for you, but it still happens to me.

  5. Some more Wonder Woman facts -

    Her creator was William Moulton Marston, a respected academic and campaigner of womens rights - his wife was the first woman to attend college back in the 1920s. He also invented the Polygraph - also better known as the Lie Detector! WWs golden lasso was in part inspired by his lie detector, wiht his colleague Charles [both their names are used as a double pseudenym in the WW tv show as 'Charles Moulton'. Marston lived in a polygamous marriage with his two wives - and had kids by both of them - and after his death from polio in 1947 they continued to live together, raising his children until their deaths. Their granddaughter Chrissie runs the annual Wonder Woman Day every year.
    Wonder Woman has been published continuosly since 1941. In '42 she got her own comic-book which lasted 329 issues until 1986 - a highly impressive feat as most female heroes barely reach 100 issues or last long; even Catwoman was banned from comics in the 50s for being innapropriate. WW hereself was accused of being such in the late '40s thru her innocent friedship with the teenage Holiday Girls, a group of schoolgirls who helped her on missions. Wonder Woman has had only one female writer in 70 years! Wonder Woman's new look began in 1986, making her more relevant. Her island paradise, full of only women and no men, was described as a 'cockless coop' in one issue. Gloria Steinem read the comic as a child and put WW on the front cover of her feminist 'MS' magazine in 1972 with the title 'WW for President'. She was horrified when Diana lost her powers for four years in the early 70s and campaigned for her to get then back [personally for me, those issues were a highlight]. WW is bi-sexual. WW recently in Oct 2010 celebrated her 600th issue! This year, she celebrates 70 years of non-stop publication. The tv show ran for three years and 66 episodes and cememted Lynda Carter so much in fans eyes that movie versions of WW are nortoriously hard to make because no actress can measure up to her in trems of looks or iconic status. Over the many years, Diana has had the following jobs; nurse, Lieutenent [later, Major] in the army, boutique owner, United Nations deaf-signing interpreter, astronaut, ambassador. Her official byline in every book is;
    Beautiful as Aphrodite
    Wise as Athena
    Stronger than Hercules and
    Swifter that Mercury.
    Diana was born in October on the night of a Hunter's Moon [a red moon] in the constellation of Cassiopeia - the inverted 'W'. Diana is an Amazon Princess - the original Princess Diana! On her 50th anniversary in '91, both Princess Dianas [the real British one and the comic-strip WW] met. morbid fact...when Princess Di died in 1997, WW was [briefly] killed off in the same month by coincidence...and the front cover of that issue said Princess Diana Dead...three days before the real-life tragedy in Paris. WW had her first [and so far only] African-American boyfriend in 1999. Her book was the first comic to use the word gay in a homosexual context in 1988. A special issue, highlighting domestic abuse, was published in 1996 to critical acclaim. WW changed her eagle-chest logo to her current double-WW chest logo in 1982 due in part to Nancy Reagan, who led a short-lived charity with the initials WW as a womens-only charity. Wonder Woman remains to this day the worlds most recognized and beloved first-most female super-hero!
    And I adore her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Karl - Wow!! Things I never knew!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.