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Friday, March 28, 2025


These people are very lucky...

Pilot rescued with 2 girls from icy Alaska lake was not authorized to have passengers, official says

Click on headline to read the articles, there's a second story at the end of the first story.


  1. John Morris Jr of Alaska has contempt for aviation law and flight rules and is a menace to public safety with his disregard for his passengers lives, his own kids!
    He should be in jail and never be allowed to fly any aircraft of any kind again. It is said he is a maga, so no surprise there, they think they’re so above the law like their dear enabled leader.
    -CA jock

  2. There is a culture of "fuck the laws" among a lot of people (conservatives) I know. One of my brother's neighbors refuses to wear, or make his kids wear, seatbelts. Because the government has no right telling him to do so. He also lets his five year old son drive around with his sister on their ATV. Go figure. Now THAT'S FREEDOM!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.