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Thursday, March 06, 2025


Would that I could, but I can't anymore.


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Absolute Hawaiian Seabreeze, shaken please!!! Oh I do miss it at times, along with a nice dirty vodka martini. I shall say no more,

  2. I don't drink but on a very rare occasion, but the bullshit going down since The Felon took over sure is making me want to on a daily basis.

  3. With my diabetese I don't drink much only on special occasions. Sure that American wines are now banned and anyway I prefer French, Italian and Spanish wines. The best in the world.
    But Australian and Argentina ones are not bad too.

  4. Sorry friends, just curious to know if your abstinence of alcohol is a lifestyle choice, because of a preexisting medical condition or a drug interaction. Several of the meds I take say to avoid alcohol but my doctor(bless him) says a glass of wine or one other alcoholic drink won't lay waste to the liver. Maybe he's being kind because I'm old and there's little left to enjoy at the end LOL. A nice glass of Cabernet around 5 certainly helps smooth out a rough day of taking in all the craziness happening now. I haven't cultured a discriminating palate at this point but I can tell you that most $10 bottles of wine taste about the same as some $50 and up bottles I've tried. Whatever the reasons, I hope all of us have a coping mechanism by now, very essential for the long term prognosis.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.