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Friday, January 24, 2025


After the second day of the new regime, I changed ALL of my homepages from news sites. I couldn't stand seeing that thing's asshole-mouth flapping, even if it was a still shot.


  1. I totally agree I am appalled by the stupidity of what I hear coming out of that mouth. Doesn't anyone realise that what he is proposing will be added to all the products bought not just the tariffs but the added cost will be passed on to the consumer so where is it making America great again, for who? ONLY THE 1% RICH

    1. Anon@11:56pm - Not only will the 1% pass those tariffs on to the consumer, they'll add just a teensy bit more just because they can.

  2. 1929 there was the collapse of the stock market and began the Great Depression look ahead in 2029 for a 100th year anniversary it could happen again with this kind of thinking.

  3. and it's only four years away!

  4. I’ve been using “lepetomane” to refer to it, after the racist nut job governor played by Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles. I think Mel would approve. And to really get a fix on Mel’s genius, google Le Petomane to determine the source of Mel’s use.

    1. Anon@7:50am - I looked him up and that's hilarious!

    2. Thanks for following up on my comedy bit, Rick..! Gotta find it where we can these days.

  5. [sigh] It's going to test us. For a long time I have thought we are entering a new Dark Age. We will see how much stomach for his cruelty even those have who voted for him. Are any of them smart enough to add 2 and 2 and come up with 4? I guess we'll see. In the meantime, a lot of people are going to suffer. What can civil people do but resist in every way we find. FUCK TRUMP. It will end badly for him. The only question is how many other people's lives he will ruin on the way to his own.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.