WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025



  1. I recently rewatched "2001: A Space Odyssey
    Once the apes discovered that bones could kill, our troubles began. We haven't progressed much from that time.

  2. Well, the repugs have always been the leaders in B.S.

  3. Its not hard to comprehend, the numbers speak for themselves.

  4. Nice to know kids to them are open targets :( and truth and equality have no place in their sick world of lies and contrived grievances :\
    What else to expect from Republicans, and their pettiness and insanity will only get worse in the coming days and years.

  5. Sorry for all those kids in a country where for those MAGA-Evangelicals-unecducated people are «Pro-Life» Except when it comes to their sacred Second Amendment.
    The only country with such a none sense constitutional amendment dating from the 18th century and still valid in the 21st century with weapons like AR-15 etc . .

  6. "Our children"? How many children do the readers of this blog have? Not many, I reckon.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.