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Thursday, November 28, 2024



  1. The "shaking my head" is very accurate for me! For close to 10 years now, I have been amazed at the apparent "thinking" of modern voters as to what makes a good world leader. Things that used to make sense, now do not. It seems the bar of acceptance to political offices has been forever lowered!

    The progressive orientation that "Conservatives" can do no wrong has permeated the entire populace, it appears. Anybody else is perceived as "Evil" or "Radical", when in fact, THEY have become the radical ones. As they still claim to be "center-right". Proves that if you say it enough, it is perceived as "truth"! Even when it is NOT!!

    I pity the young people growing up in this environment, as it now becomes their "normal". The "Conservatives" want to return this nation to prior, happier, times and orientations. By THEIR definition, not what was best for the country. A time when taxes were at higher levels and government spending was also more robust (in many areas), putting the tax dollars to work for the good of all.

    The orientation that "If I can't see it, it does not exist" (as to climate change, homelessness, etc.) is far too prevailing in our current society. Which extends to "not in my front yard, so I can't see it". The "gated community mindset".

    Is the nation on a bad path? Yes! But a path designed/devised by "Conservatives" who live in gated communities. That is NOT this country, as a whole!

    Some politician claimed he was going to "drain the swamp", but as things progressed, "the swamp" just became a very comfortable gated community. No "swamp cleaning" happened. Cycle repeat.

    1. Cdadbr - Too much of what you said is, unfortunately, true.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving??? Nope, not this year. I'm angry and exhausted from having to accept ignorance and prejudice as the new American normal. I wish the Indigenous Indians would have met the pilgrim boats coming ashore and told them, "You are not welcome, you don't look like us and you have no rights here," Immigration problem solved! The cynicism and disbelief explodes in me every day as the list of unqualified characters being selected to run our country becomes more bat-shit crazy. With the few years I have left, I'll ride this out somehow, It's for the children in all our families for whom I'm deeply concerned. They'll be the ones tasked with finding a path forward and try to fix the damage that we know is coming.

    I'm almost convinced that the Democratic party has been weak and too respectful of the other side. The results are in, what the people want in a leader is every characteristic of human nature that would have immediately disqualified a candidate. Instead of taking the high road they should have taken the SAME road. Instead of Mrs. Obama saying when they go low, we go high, it should have been WE GO LOWER.

    Find your happiness where you can this year, it will be a challenge. I'd rather be a bear settling in to his cave for the winter and sleeping until spring comes to see what the world and this country looks like then. And hope for some glimmer of sanity, morals, ethics, truth and plain old common sense to prevail.

  3. Trump and his cabal of swamp dwellers will self destruct, mark my words !
    A cabinet of opportunistic rapists and thieves, all led by a felon, will collapse like a house of cards with their own infighting. -Rj


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.