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Monday, October 28, 2024



Rad said...

When I was 8, my Dad was a die-hard Eisenhower Republican and was BIG on Richard Nixon. I took my mom's broom handle and taped a NIXON sign to the end of it an paraded around the neighborhood. It tracks to the mentality of a Trumper. The undeveloped brain of a young adolescent. The difference here is by the time I was 14, I had grown to embrace a fundamental understanding of our countries politics and political parties. I knew the Democrats were better at critical thinking.

There is no compromise with a Trumper. There is no "Meeting of the minds". When I see a Trump hat or tee shirt parading around, all I feel is disgust for that person. At best, pity for them. Just a bunch of shit-for-brains fuckwads that never grew beyond an 8-year-olds sense of ignorant self entitlement.

Anonymous said...

All those bullies you knew in school grew up to be Trumpers. Cruelty is their thing, because that’s all they have and aspire to….:(

JiEL said...

After yesterday's rally of the Retrumplikkkans in NVC it becomes more and more evident that they are «hatriots» and not patriots with all the venom that was sipted on that stage.
Most of all very very contreproductive as they told aweful racist words over Portoricans and latinos etc..
Those brainless on stage are blinded with hate and didn't know that there were thousands of them in Pennsylvania and all over USA which might cost them the election which we all hope.
The huge contrast between Harris and Trump in the way they see their next time in the highest office in USA should be the turning point for who you vote for.
But, the MAGA cult doesn't care and still are drinking the cool-aid.

Bobby b said...

OMG Trump2024 Rules🇺🇸