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Friday, October 18, 2024



whkattk said...

I'm not against building wealth, but the Rethugs repeated attempts to make themselves wealthier while screwing the general population is tedious. The worst part is that so many poor people in rural areas believe them!

JiEL said...

No.2 You could add more other democratic countries to this too short list. Only in USA, to name only this one, health care is in the hands of wealthy insurance companies which are like gods to exlude anyone for any reasons from being covered. They also charege big fees to insure the people with sometime limited benefits. What I see on TV those are even sometimes limited by you zip code etc.. and you have limited time to register etc,..

I have friends in France and they have to me the best cover from their universal health care system even better than ours in Canada.
Your first sentence of you Constitution is becoming a «fable» to many Americans as the «We the People» seems limited to «We the Wealthiest» to benefit of everything in USA.