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Saturday, August 10, 2024


Vote Blue!

Up and Down the Ticket!


JiEL said...

With the way those thugs are limiting registering and even voting in USA, stop saying that you are the flag ship of democracy in the world. You may have sent men on the moon and be a leader in technology and science but you're not yet able to have a way to make sure ALL Americans are registered on all election lists.

JiEL said...

BTW in Canada, NO of our numerous parties on any levels of governements CANNOT interfere over the voting lists or the location of the voting places. We have independant commitees for all elections that are ruling our elections. For the registration, when you are 18yo you are automaticaly on all the voting lists. As we are immediatly in the new born lists, we have a social security nunmber that will follow you to death.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - That's a smart and efficient way of doing things.