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Monday, July 08, 2024



whkattk said...

I'd vote for Biden's brain in a jar of formaldehyde!

These Dem House members calling on him to quit need to be taken out to the woodshed. Him quitting could easily lead to a repeat of 1968 - when we got the last corrupt asshat Republican president.

Anonymous said...

Why can't Biden have him arrested and put away for treason, like Washington or Lincoln would have done? As an official, "core" act, for which the so-called Supreme Court would protect his immunity? Serious question.

VoenixRising said...

We are truly fucked.

The orange dictator is really testing my atheism because of his seemingly untouchable-ness, he's sounding more like the accepted definition of the AntiChrist. Evenso, I'm still voting for Biden, even if I have to crawl through broken glass on bare hands and knees to cast my vote.

Anonymous said...

The right-wing in France and the UK have been routed and defeated, now it will be the turn of the USA. Vote blue this November so we can route and defeat the criminal and cultist right wing in our own country. -Rj

Milleson said...

In response to the above comments, I echo your views. Joe, so start with the official acts already, you're President and can claim immunity like you know that opposition asshole would do. Democratic leaders in the Congress, stop being such a bunch of pussies. Stop with the nicey-nice with the Repugnants, you know they don't give a rip about you and your ideals. We're all waiting for some of you with balls to actually engage them in the war they've created and asked for. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Get a spine. Do what needs to be done to shut down this madman and his malicious movement. Time is running out. And Main Stream Media isn't helping by their repeated reluctance to hold that bloated piece of work accountable for his words and actions.

Sweet Beelzebub!!!Do I have to double up on my blood pressure meds to keep me going until I can cast my vote? I'm beyond frustrated, anyone else feel the same?

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - Good comments all!