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Saturday, July 13, 2024


I support Joe Biden for president over that pile of lying orange shit because he's not working to give this country to white "christian" nationalists.


JiEL said...

In your «old outdated» Constitution it says to be a candidate you must be born in USA and be over 40yo (not sure about the age but..) and no mention of being a felon or a insurectionist or a liar or... or... We did have some politicians here in Canada who were obliged to resign for least than that. Years ago, we had a Governor General of Canada in Ottawa who resigned because while in university, he was 23yo in 1948, he wore on his arm a svastica while a student's Halloween party. Even if he was a renouned actor and a very good man, the news made him resign.

Seems that being an honest and good man isn't a quality required to be President of USA. As a matter of fact even for anyone to be a candidate for Senate or Congress etc..

Anonymous said...

Biden here too!!!!!

Mistress Maddie said...

What a shame the shooter today at trump had bad aim.

JiEL said...

Mistress Maddie,

Sorry reading this from you but even if we all hate Mr Trump, nobody can take the life of a human being no matter what.

I saw almost identical meme on the internet and I find it sad and none Christian to say such «cheerings».

The only way to put Trump at an halt is to vote Democrat and Joe Biden.

There are too many hate and killings in USA which makes me and other think that USA is becoming another banana republic where violence is the law.