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Saturday, June 29, 2024


After watching the debate I was discouraged. But, after reading other blogs and various articles since then, my feelings have changed...

Joe Biden is fighting for Democracy;
he's fighting for you and me!

Joe is part of a team, we need to be
part of that team too!

Joe needs our support now more than ever!

Trump must lose!
Nothing else


JiEL said...

No.6 resumes it quite well because Biden isn't alone but surrounded by a outstanding team and he is listening to them.
Not like the wanna be dictator orange con man who picks yes men who will never offed him with any negative advices and will be afraid to be ejected in The Apprentice way.

Most of all tRump never take advices nor he reads the resumes when in the White House: he played golf every week wnds paid by your taxes on AirForce One and more.

There is not hesitation here even if Biden. as any human being, did have one of those bad moment last Thursday.

Kamala Harris was outstanding when interviewed by Jake Taper after the debate.
She has more balls than the orange bone spur con man.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Thanks for pointing that out about meme No.6. I added a few words below it.

Unashamed Male said...

Of course I will vote for Biden, never Trump. The problem is that I am now convinced that if Biden is the nominee, Trump will win. All those people who don't like either candidate, whose vote Biden desperately needs, saw Biden as old and feeble. They will stay home and not vote. Of course Biden is honorable, capable, and surrounded by a capable team, and Trump is a lying sack of shit. Nevertheless, some other Democratic candidate might have a chance of beating Trump; unfortunately, I think Biden does not.

Anonymous said...

100% Biden!!!!

Ed Schlee said...


Manitou Brad said...

Biden must step aside or Trump will win. You can't fix this problem. Imagine what he will be like in 4 years. He will not win, there will be more incidences like this before the election. Please step aside Joe or will be have 4 years of hell, maybe more!

stache said...

Biden was sundowning during the debate. We can't have this for a national leader. Imagine North Korea timing a nuclear attack at 10 PM EST to coincide with Biden's evening dementia. It's no good. We need someone that can think on a dime. We can't afford this risk.

Milleson said...

Ricky, I see you borrowed a few of these from Mark @voenixrising.com. The one that says it all on this subject is one you missed. It simply states, "I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Joe Biden's reanimated corpse before I let Donald Trump take office again." Comments here seem to be divided on what to do with Grandpa Joe. Some say support him, some say dump him. Look, all he has to do is look like he's alive and still in control(his advisors and wife should be doing that now) and make it to the election. With a win and an oath taken in January, it's a done deal. If he should fail and/or die after that, his Vice President takes the reins and the opposition party will have a helluva time trying to say that isn't legitimate.

To put it in perspective, I received word a few minutes ago that my 99 year old Aunt with a low platelet count just underwent a 2 1/2 hour hip replacement surgery due to a fall, was out of recovery and back in her room and will be up and walking with help in a couple hours. Don't tell me our Joe can't survive this one debate showing.

I'm hoping to see Kamala help drive the last few nails into the coffin of the despicable GOP party and I salivate seeing the expressions on the faces of the party hierarchy as they are forced to deal with a president who is a woman of color and smarter than the lot of them put together.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rick..!

Bobby b said...

I'm Sorry my friends, being weird an Black American Republican, all I heard is that President Trump is a criminal, dishonest liar ect.... but have you watch Joe Biden over the lost 50+ years, even today he lies everytime he opens his mouth, America was a much stronger nation under President Trump 1.4% inflation, Gas less than $2.00, America was respected. Trump was securing the border, all Americans were doing better. I do not know one person that voted for Biden, they voted against President Trump and now you regret it. FACT: PRESIDENT TRUMP2024 WILL BE REELECTED GUARANTEED, TRUMP45 & 47🇺🇸

Bobby b said...

Pride Black American Fag how just happens to be Republican💋
Love Me Bf

Infidel753 said...

Biden had a cold on Thursday and may have been on medication for it. He's given speeches both before and since the debate that showed there's nothing wrong with him mentally. Trump, on the other hand, repeatedly issues public statements so garbled they seem to be clear evidence of dementia.

It will take time for public reactions to settle and for competent polling to assess them. So, as yet, we have no hard evidence on how the debate will affect on-the-fence voters. In the meantime, Univision's focus groups of Hispanic voters show that they became more supportive of Biden after the debate.

Historically I don't think it's ever happened that one debate had a decisive impact, or much impact at all, on the outcome of a presidential election. There's no reason to think this one will. People know that even if Biden starts to deteriorate mentally over the next four years, he'll have good people around him and will listen to advice, and will resign if he becomes substantively impaired. Trump is a one-man show who listens to nobody, and some of the people backing him (Project 2025, etc) are even more dangerous than he is.

There are valid objections to Biden as a candidate. The fact that he had a cold on Thursday isn't one of them.

Rad said...


Did not waste my time watching that thing they touted as a "debate". Everything I read before and since has only affirmed my suspicions that it was nothing but a shit show from the onset. I did not welcome any of it into my life.

I will continue my support of Joe and every BLUE candidate! None of that bullshit did anything to change my mind; only strengthen my resolve.

Fuck Trump and Fuck all his fucking asshole supporters.

LeftField said...

Winslow's quote says all we need to know: the Democratic party is controlled by a team of wealthy enablers who are more concerned with power than the good of the country.

50 million people watched Biden's cognitive decline in real-time last Thursday. Now these enablers are telling us there is no time, no other choice. To Hell with that!

Canada does an election in six weeks, as do most other countries (not one year or more).

We will vote for Joe, but those who aren't sure surely won't.