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Monday, June 10, 2024



Mistress Maddie said...

I agree with Rad. If he does get elected, then this country has fallen terribly and doesn't mind a convicted felon and mobster running the country. I have hated that man since the early 80's. Where many I knew got screwed from payments on his precious "architectural marvels" Not to mention he is plain tasteless.

Milleson said...

@Rad - I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...but I'm not the dumbest one either.

Hello AMERICA!!! Wake up!!! Didn't we all experience the 2016 Presidential election? What did I miss? Hillary was President, wasn't she?

After most of the polls showed Hillary as a sure thing, and then that orange creature won, I stopped putting any credence in FUCKING polls.

whkattk said...

He did a rally here yesterday at a park. There were excessive heat warnings. Sadly, no one at the rally died of heatstroke.

whkattk said...

@ Milleson - That's what happened. We can blame 2016 at least partly for Clinton's loss on the polls - they kept reporting a Clinton landslide, so people figured since it was a slam-dunk they didn't need to vote.
But, ever since, we don't believe them, we don't trust them --- we vote.

JiEL said...

In 2026 presidential election your «Electoral College Grand Electors» were the reason why Clinton lost the presidency even if she had the popular votes.

In 2020, 45 conman lost because he didn't have the popular votes but did ALL he could to overturn illegally the outcome of the election even going on January 6 2021 to lead a mob to raid the Capitol during the confirmation of Biden's victory.
Violence and lies did lead them to overturn the democratic result.

Why are you surprised that in 2024 he will be better when he is messaging, again, his whinnings about rigged elections, the me myself and I am the victim of the justice systme en Biden etc.. etc .. etc..

The only one this dictator to be wants is to save his big fat dirty ass from all of those courts indictements and be immune from them being the president.
More he did say he wants revenge against all of Biden's administration even the justice system.
Isn't it a weaponisation of the justice there ..???

I'm always asking myself how this big fatso can still be alive and never have health issues like an heart attack?
Well, not surprising, he has no heart and all of those viruses are disgusted to even go in his filty body.. LOL! Joke here but maybe some truth...

Mistress Maddie said...

My grandmother used to have a saying....Only the good die young. If it proves true....we're screwed.

Big Dude said...

The Orange Satan has less class than a two-bit streetwalker. His appeal to the mentally lame does not surprise me in the least. If he wins, we're doomed, and there will be no safe place on Planet Earth. He will bully everyone. If he loses, we can look Forward to prolonged civil unrest brought on by his mentally lame "swallowers.". ( As my friend refers to his worshippers)