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Monday, May 06, 2024


Donald 'Von ShitzInPantz' has now formally been entered into the public record at Trump's hush-money trial

Click on headline to read the article.


  1. I damn near spit my coffee when I heard about that. LOL.

  2. Stupid fuck, the judge just found him in violation of the gag order again!!! You'd think with a tiny little sphincter of a mouth he could keep it shut! Stupid fuck and stupid frightened lawyers who can't keep him quiet for his own good(which he has none).

  3. With all the «shit» coming out of his little anus dirty mounth, the judge is not doing his best to shut it up.
    Come on, if this garbage man would be a «normal» American, he would be in jail ASAP.

    The way the other trials are slowing down, he will be in the White House before any of them would be done.
    Since Jan 6 2021, don't tell me the Justice system didn't have all the evidences to indict him on the spot.
    All this is so crazy to see from outside USA.

  4. @JiEL - You need to be patient. I feel your frustration in how this courtroom drama is playing out. This is a high profile case, unprecedented in our history and will have ramifications for years to come, as will the other cases against him when they eventually have their day in court. What you don't understand is that we have witnessed too many times when the the prosecution in high profile cases have rushed their investigations in its zeal to gain a conviction, only to have the case thrown out on the tiniest of technicalities. It is imperative that all the homework has been done and any avenue for a challenge has been negated, down to the last period in the paperwork. This all takes time, excruciating amounts of time and patience to accomplish. You think this looks stupid and ridiculous as a Canadian, just think how all of us down here in the states feel about what's happening and more to the point, what's NOT happening. As the saying goes, "I hear what your saying and I feel your pain." We're ALL in pain.

  5. I understand what is your point and I just hope that real justice will prevail for this orange garbage and more on Nov.5 to finally kick him out of any politic places in USA.

    All the world will also go better without this clown in the WH.

  6. Milleson - Thank you for your wise and commonsense reply.

  7. Reading the article I couldn't help but envying the people in the court witnessing Trump that had to endure the these posts shown publicly as 'evidence'. Could it be that his lawyer is secretly working his client, or is he simply dumb? LoL!

  8. Workman - Thanks for your correction, but I already knew what you meant.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.