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Tuesday, April 02, 2024



Xersex said...

#1 so true (and sadly funny)

Cdadbr said...

Kids and phones in schools were an issue in the 1990s, by observation. Distractions for bored/dis-interested students. Phone USE in class should have been more regulated back then, NOT them having them in case of emergencies.

whkattk said...

This is an issue easily solved if we ousted all the repuglicans from state and federal elected office.

JiEL said...

When I was teaching here in Montreal, P.Québec, Canada, cellphones where forbidden in classroom because it is a distraction for the students to be attentive to what the teacher is saying or showing.

Here it's not a question of being able to send messages in case of mass shootings because we have strong laws on guns.
Our schools are also secured with doors locked after the students are in.

Living in USA is very hazardous which makes me think twice to even go and visit my friends in Delaware or Florida.

LeftField said...

I just love the logic: don't ban phones because students need to send their last goodbyes to loved ones during mass shootings.