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Wednesday, March 06, 2024


Early 1900s

(I'm sorry this one is difficult to read.)


Xersex said...

love the last one!

Will said...

I always remark at how many of these older designs only had one bathroom for the whole house.

Will said...

Tiny houses. Ha! My husband and I lasted three months in my old 1BR apartment when we both got sent home to work from home during Covid before we had to go buy a townhouse so we wouldn't be on top of one another all the time. It was fine when we were barely at home together, both leaving the place to go to our separate offices, but all the time? Even noise cancelling headphones can only do so much to keep them you off their nerves. ;)

Cdadbr said...

THANKS, Rick, for posting these vintage house plans! Such a change from the $500K houses now being touted as "good". Realistically sized and arranged, with variety and color in each room/area, rather than the light gray trimmed in white that many perceive is "high fashion" these days, rather than "builder grade". These places were HOMES rather than a place to sleep.

whkattk said...

$472.50 for a house - and it was a lot of money back then.

LeftField said...

You guys are so right! Our whole concept of space has changed. 20 years ago I suggested to my developer brother-in-law that he built top quality houses, between 1,500- 2,000 sq ft. He replied that for the same price he could build a 4,600 sq ft home on a bigger lot. Go figure.

Now I live in a 2,400 sq ft home where-in everyone has their own crapper! Gosh!

There were 9 with one bathroom when I grew up.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - I love all your comments!

JiEL said...

Did you see how the bathrooms are so tinny?
I live in an appartment (6 rooms and one tinny bathroom) built in 1954 and as I said, my bathroom is a bit small. It's like the «Harris» one but a bit wider toward the door.
For me it's ok but sure I'd like to have those today's bathrooms like the one of my sister and brother have with a bath but also a large shower.

Must admit that for my 1200 sq ft place the rent is fairly low ($935/month) in Montreal where the same 3 bedrooms appartments could rent for $2000/month.

I was lucky back in 2007 to rent it from a good friend of mine who was looking for a good tenant to live upstairs of his own place and did rented it for $640/month.
As we have here laws against the landlords to rise the rents too much it's why now my rent is so low.

Unashamed Male said...

I always like looking at these old floor plans. With the exception of the first design, which seems to be a fantasy, the other designs show what people valued in a house. Bathrooms? One is enough. Small, cramped kitchen is fine. Must have a huge dining room, bigger than the kitchen. And who needs a garage?

Anonymous said...

El Ășltimo es una preciosidad, me encanta