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Monday, March 04, 2024



Xersex said...

#3 unfortunately he won't be humiliated, because there will always be many people who will vote for him.

whkattk said...

That last one: YES!!!

JiEL said...

Your SCOTUS just ruled that this «insurectionist» can be on the ballot against Colorado SC dicision.
NOW as in the last post, Americans MUST kick him out of office in a large majority to humiiate him and set a warning to the MAGA-GOP all over the country.

The world will be looking to you in November.

Milleson said...

The Supreme Court has become a embarrassing joke. They no longer rule on written law, they rule supremely for political gain. #45 and his cronies knew what they were doing when they installed 3 flawed lackeys to the highest court, joining old "pubic hair on the Coke can" Thomas and Alito. Putting that aside, I think he should be allowed on all ballots and the voters will deliver a resounding indictment of this loser's competency to be president. Let the MAGAS in the red states vote for him and show themselves for the traitorous idiots they've become. This is not going to end well for tRUMP, enough of the intelligent electorate will see to that.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - I sure hope you're right!

Anonymous said...

#2***when he gets to prison I hope he meets a nice boyfriend who will put that forward facing asshole of his to good use LOL LOL

SickoRicko said...

Anon@2:51pm - I like "forward-facing asshole"!

Anonymous said...

The insanity runs deep with Trumpenführer and his acolytes. -Rj