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Thursday, December 21, 2023


Happy Solstice!


  1. This is my favourite day of the year!

  2. Happy Solstice, Rick. Hope you and Jerry have a great day!

  3. The word solstice derives from the Latin Solstitium which mean ‘Sun Stands Still’ in the respect of how the sun appears motionless at the time of the actual solstice?
    🇬🇧 GayBob x

  4. Pat - Thank you!

    GayBob - Could be.

  5. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Oh yes, Winter arrives at 10:27 pm on east coast. Then hurray, the sun will set later.

    I hope we never have to set the clocks back again. Love to live my last years WITHOUT IT.

  6. Winter solstice? Is that possible. I can't wait for longer days... I miss the sun so much.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.