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Wednesday, December 20, 2023


1961 Motorola TV


  1. It's always fun to see how "the future" was depicted back in the day.

  2. Some GREAT upscale artwork of the future from 1961! Seeing "Mr. Peppermint"
    on the screen is interesting, too. Note the edge of the Motorola radio in the shelf, too. Great stuff!

  3. No.3 is the kind of small B&W TV set on this kind of stroler we had back in the 70's. My brother and me liked to get it in our bedroom to watch late late movies while my parents were sleeping. First lowering the sound but sometime later we manage to plug some earphones which was an improvement.

    There were no cable TV and we caption the signals with that small antena.

  4. We had a rolling tv cart like that too.

  5. These illustrations are AMAZING. Where on earth did you find them? Fascinating.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.