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Wednesday, December 20, 2023



  1. They are only interested up to the moment of birth (no abortion), and around death (no euthanasia). Everything in between, they don't care.

  2. Reverence for life, that's a ripe one. Here's an idea. Let's make a law that states if any person who is against a woman's right to choose her own, personal health and wellness decisions shall do the following:

    1. Provide a home and pay for all healthcare for the mother and the child.
    2. At birth, they must legally adopt said child and raise it as their own.
    3. Incur all expenses of said child until the age of 18.
    4. Incur all expenses of said child with birth defects in perpetuity.

    Can you imagine the groundswell of righteous indignation if that law were on the books? It's the only viable solution for those who wish to choose the rights of women without the consideration of a woman's right to her personal autonomy. Only then will they actually revere life and put an end to their hypocrisy.

    As for Amy Coney Barrett, I wonder how much money she was paid to betray her sex with that decision. What a poor champion of women.

  3. The Republicans will never care to help the Born. Only in-utero do they care about the health. Except to control the entire population by their false morality and continue to get more wealthy by the population supporting their excess luxury lifestyles.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.