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Friday, November 10, 2023



Big Dude said...

Fuck every Nazipublican on every level.

whkattk said...

Reagan did a lot of damage to the population of this country. Sadly, the Republicans have made things even worse in the last 7 years.

Anonymous said...

Nixon got the ball rolling opening up to China with the intent of gutting the American workforce in favor of encouraging US businesses to relocate factories to China. As Nixon once told a group of corporate executives 'Now the American worker will learn to earn his keep'. This accelerated under Reagan, who gave hefty tax incentives as a reward to businesses to move our industries to China and other countries.
Saint Ronnie was our Gov in California; he passed the first gun laws in CA because of the Black Panthers, God forbid people of color should have guns.
He liberalized our abortion laws, because you know some of those girls from good republican families end up in a 'situation'. He threw our mentally ill to the wolves, why spend money wisely on mental health, when you can spend a fortune putting them in jail ! And dear Nancy, Mommy as he called her, felt there should be strict divorce laws. Never mind that she married a divorced man ! If he hadn't of been divorced, she would have never been the First Lady of the State or the Nation. Mommy dearest refused to live in the Governor's mansion in Sacramento, the closets were too small.
As far as AIDS goes his record speaks for itself ! -Rj

SickoRicko said...

RJ - Very good summary of why we are where we are.