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Wednesday, October 11, 2023



  1. Only 31% of Americans are "confident" of the most solidly-established fact in all of human knowledge (evolution). I don't think there are any other developed countries on Earth where it's so low.

  2. How sad are the results of that poll?
    This is the result of the Dumbing Down of the U.S. --- and it's purposeful.

  3. Question.
    Why a country like USA founded by those founding fathers who did establish your Constitution to excape the British religious ruler is now leaning toward such religious Evangelical freaks to rule USA ?

    Isn't not time to get rid of those old world influences over your governement's leadership?

    Go out of your country and see so many countries like Canada, France and many other democratic countries having NO religion ruling ovwer the civil people.

    USA is battling over Islamic dictatures but isn't seeing that is some ways the same ruling over your population is almost the same.

    In February 2002 I went to South Crolina and scanning my car radio for some good music, EVERY channels were kind of religious preaching stuff.

    Went to a Catholic church to see the parking lot as huge as a shopping center and the chuch as big as the Radio City Hall filled up all over it.

    We don't have this here in Canada and sure;ly not in Montreal and Province of Québec. Churches are closing for many years now.
    Since 1960 we evacuated religion from schools and all part of our civil and political life.

  4. Everyone - It's all very sad, even pathetic.

  5. Since 1960 we evacuated religion from schools and all part of our civil and political life.

    well done!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.