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Wednesday, July 05, 2023


A little long at 9:26, even for me. But I managed to watch it twice because he's an excellent speaker who makes terrific points. AND, he's easy on the eyes...


LeftField said...

You're right. It was a bit long. And I agreed with everything he was saying, but I'm not sure my family would ever spend 9 minutes listening to him. Sadly.

whkattk said...

We can only hope that he's right about the congresspersons being held accountable.
And those same congresspersons, along with folks like DeathSantis, are trying their best to keep tearing the country down.

JiEL said...

he has wisdom words but not sure those will end up in the good ears to change the outcome of the next election.

From Canada it's something we see but we are on the edge of our chairs to see this «season finaly» next November 2024.

taurus9311 said...

What a beautifully articulate and intelligent man. Thanks for this post. As for length, perhaps that is another indication of the lack of attention span and comprehension skills of our public. In the past, speakers exhorted their audiences for hours. In my college speech classes, we were assigned (and listened to) speeches lasting a half-hour or more. It's the attentiveness and thinking that seems to have us in the era of fast-food thinking and slogan making. Perhaps this video unintentionally draws attention to that?

BatRedneck said...

As a non-American citizen it is not really my place to throw an opinion about the way the U.S. society is evolving, but I as a person from an allied country I do share the growing fear about it. From back when I was an early teen I have always observed that whatever movement of growing importance happening in the U.S. would become mainstream worldwide, at least in the Western World. Which is why the growing wave of fascism currently plaguing your country is scaring me that much, for I have grown on a continent that had been freed from it, milked with the stories of what I had escaped from thanks to both my and YOUR parents. So I cannot conceive this idea of a so-called 'world order' may be allowed to come back just because the love of some for power makes its way through tyranny again.
Sadly, I concur with Taurus's point. Almost every day and in the most common of situations - like being in the tram or queuing at the grocery's cashier - I see people spending time "focusing" on brainwashing smartphone apps that offer little if not no food for thought. Like TikTok. Which in my opinion makes this video even more relevant considering it was published on it, in the probable hope that it will reach at least a part of the audience there.

VRCooper said...

Great message!! Great writing!!

This is Matthew Cooke.

I follow him here- https://www.instagram.com/matthewcookeofficial?hl=en

Yes, he is easy on the eyes. And the voice.


SickoRicko said...

Taurus - I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm one of those short-attention-span people.

Laurent - Unfortunately, the increase of fascism in this country is spreading to parts of Canada and Europe, too.

VRCooper - Thanks for that link!

JiEL said...

@Ricko and Laurent,

I live in Montreal,Canada and this evening on Radio Canada news they said that two young men were arrested and investigated for putting nazi stuff on internet and advancing racial insanities. They seem to be part of a worldwide group who wants to put in place the Fourth Reich.

We are no more safe from all of those quacks and brain washed people which the internet and social media give them a megaphone to be heard by anyone in the whole world.

Uncle Vic said...

Thank you, Rick................. a voice of sanity in the age of insanity...

Bobby b said...