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Thursday, June 08, 2023


Ding-dong, the whack-job is indicted!!

May he rot in prison!!


Mistress Maddie said...

I'm STILL not holding my breath he'll be jailed.

JiEL said...

I'm not confident in the Justice system in USA and he will surely whine and say that it's a witch hunt etc... Lies, lies and lies again and again.

The GOP are now talking of politicising it ans want to defund the FBI and CIA which they say it's unde Biden influnce..

Say that to black people...

The colums of the temple will tremble if the orange thurd go to jail.

What from here is unbelievable is that he will still be running to be the GOP nominee.

Mistress Maddie said...

Jiel I couldn't agree more with you. What does it say about the US that he is even still free and RUNNING for President?!?!?!?!?!? Hell, they are already saying the trials wouldn't even begin till late fall.....

JiEL said...

@Mistress Maddie,

IF one of our politicians would only do a mini fraction of what that con man had done in his life, he could NEVER be able to try to go on public service and surely not as a Prime Minister here in Canada.

Many years ago, one of our General Governer was a fine and loved actor with a great life achievement. He was around 72yo.
Then, some dug in his past and found one photo of him while he was in university in WWII times and wearing a svatika on his sleeve during a Halloween party of students..

Well he had to give his resignation of being the representant of Queen Elizabeth 2 for Canada.

Here, Justice applies for ALL of our citizens and as our Courts and Judges are neutral politicaly, they aren't influenced by and parties in Canada.

Two years ago, a Québec deputy at our parliment was accused of rape and he immediatly had to resign and faced justice where he was found guilty and had to go to jail etc..

Mistress Maddie said...

That's the line right there Jeil. "Justice applies for ALL of our citizens and as our Courts and Judges are neutral politically," Here... if I did just one of the thing Trump did, I'd been thrown in jail the next day facing 30 years years. I don't think the governments, politicians and justice system can be fixed at this point.

Can I come live with you in Canada? LOL!!!!!

SickoRicko said...

Maddie & JiEl - I'll admit that I'm not holding my breath anymore. But I am crossing my fingers.

JiEL said...

@Mistress Maddie,

You're welcome to come here as we have Universal Health Care System and gay life in Montreal is very nice too.

We're not perfect but we are suerly a safer place to be and racism is at the very low here. Canadian has the reputation of being very nice people...

For sure you could live in English here in Montreal but learning French would be an asset for you.

You could more easily «French kiss».. LOL!

Xersex said...

In my humble opinion, it is sad that the US people voted for him in 2016 and may vote for him again. And make him win.

hsgisme said...

Holding my breath too...Teflon Don can never be discounted!

whkattk said...

It comes as no surprise. I think he'll be convicted -- unless he gets one or two true MAGGOTS on the jury. After all, this trial will be held in Scarlet Red Miami-Dade. But I also think, IF he's convicted, he won't do any prison time at all.

@JiEL - It IS outrageous that he can campaign for federal office while undergoing trial(s). But I guess that's all part of "innocent until...". What more proof anyone would need is beyond me.

Mistress Maddie said...

Jeil, your too kind!!!! I have toured and traveled your beautiful country pretty extensively years ago. We used to go up and spend whole summers up there. My two take aways besides it's natural beauty was 1-How kind, sweet and welcoming the people of your country were....and how utterly clean the cities and highways were. I was hard pressed to find much of any litter. That is amazing. And I adore your PM too.


VoenixRising said...

I do not believe in the AntiChrist, but if anyone matches Christianists' vision of it, Trump certainly fills the bill on so many levels.

SickoRicko said...

Mark - Absolutely!