WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023



Xersex said...

fucking true! if god really existed as religions have taught us, he should only be ashamed of him.

whkattk said...

"The Bible tells us..." just may be one of the places where idiots get the idea that mass shootings and murder are okay.

Milleson said...

OOH! OOH! While reading an article this morning on 25 things banned in the bible(eating pork, shellfish, etc.) I think I found a loophole in our favorite leviticus condemnation 'if a man lieth with another man as he lieth with a woman, it is an abomination.' I'm thinking a man "lieth" with a woman for the purpose of procreation, as they are commanded-be fruitful and multiply. No gay man "lieth" with another gay or straight man to procreate and populate the world. They just want to enjoy sex and get it on! Therefore, no sin in my book. Case solved, no more guilt and shame. Get out there and get your freak on, boys!!!

VRCooper said...

See how silly it sounds when you put it in context.

uptonking said...

That last one is brilliant.

Cdadbr said...

There is also another verse about a man not eating "his seed". When it was written, it most probably meant the "seeds" he was going to plant for next season's food for his family. Not "seed" as some have mistakenly presumed, I suspect.

In the "lieth" issue, perhaps things like "hall sex", kitchen table sex, or other similar venues might not have been considered? Or that sex could happen in places other than a bed, on one's feet, for example. Back then, sex was about procreation rather than enjoyment, typically. Same-sex could not procreate, so they could not contribute to new church-goers happening. Which also meant "money", to many.