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Saturday, April 01, 2023



  1. Those last two are so true. And the sad part is we have two parties who don't give a flying fig to raise the minimum wage. One party can't...even thought they hold the majority... and the other won't. Me thinks it's time for two new parties.

  2. Wage and benefits in Europe are better with American companies, than they are in the US.

  3. "A living wage" can vary from country to country. It's not a universal amount, depending upon the cost of living in the particular country. Does it cover just cost or food, decent residence, decent transportation to work, and the "water and light"{ bills? Should that "decent transportation" mean new or used vehicles? Kia or Cadillac?

    The whole issue of "a living wage" started when good-paying factory jobs were shipped away from the USA. Which usually left many 50-somethings (with car loans and mortgages), too young for any Social Security benefits, without ways to pay their bills, so they got into the remaining work force made up of jobs for younger people (i.e., minimum wage) to try to pay their bills. The loss of those USA jobs also put younger people out of work, too, many times with younger families and meager savings.

    IF USA companies in Mexico (and similar) paid those workers a USA wage, then those workers could enjoy a higher standard of living AND there would be little reason for people to come to the USA for better work.

    INFLATION happens when companies get too greedy and more aggressively use the "Supply and Demand" reason to their shareholders' and their executives' financial benefit. Yep, we need BOTH "Windfall Profits" corporate taxes and a higher base tax rate for those making over $500K/year in total compensation (stock benefits and base pay) . . . WORLDWIDE.

    Raising borrowing rates on those making $100K/year or less only hurts the economy, not those who caused the whole mess. Let there be tiered interest rates on borrowing for individuals, so those people can still attain the American Dream of home ownership rather than penalizing them. Make the mortgage rates higher for the $350K+ houses than for a $200K home, for example.

    At no other prior time has $80/barrel crude oil resulted in such high gasoline prices.

  4. Single-payer Health Care would go a LONG way to help working-class people. That would enable more people who are unhappy at one company to seek better employment (and higher wages) without having to worry about a lack of health care insurance. Which is why corporations fight it.

  5. The minimum wage for ALL here is around $16,50/hour and no need to have to pay some «private» health care insurance as we have an universal health care system here.

    Also, many workers in American companies are unuonised here and employes can negiciate their working conditions.
    Not to forget that as workors are rare to find, many are offering more interesting pay and working conditions to attract some workers.

    In some towns farther then Montreal some are even offering paid rent appartments and personnalised schedule etc... Pay the moving fees also.

    Must say that living here is less expensive if you live outside cities like Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal.

  6. Frogot to say that the average middle salary is about $33/hour.

  7. Everyone - Each of you had excellent points. If only corporations and politicians would just do the right thing, we wouldn't have such inequalities. I'll throw in climate change, as well.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.