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Saturday, February 04, 2023



VRCooper said...

It's Saturday don't get me started.

I was reading something the other day conveying that restaurant servers' hourly pay is $2.13 an hour and the rest is supposed to be made up in tips. What?

Also, ServSafe a food safety course that is mandatory to work in a restaurant is being sponsored by the restaurant association, and those fees charged for the course are rolled over to lobbying groups to help the restaurant industry to keep their wages low. Research has shown that this course does nothing to improve restaurant food safety. This is insane. I have the link to the discussion below ---


It is without argument that wages have not kept up with the cost of living. It is an embarrassment to the US. One word-greed. For a starting point let's tax the rich at the percentage point that we did before Regan go his greedy hands into the pot. Also, let's roll back taxing social security.

One more thing---If any of a company's workers have to tap into food stamps, Medicaid...then that company has to pay a better wage. I am not for subsidizing businesses to pad their bottom line.

Like I said don't get me started. I started working back in the early '70s. Started fully supporting myself in 1977.

SickoRicko said...

VRCooper - Thanks for the link. It's really disgusting the way things are these days.

JiEL said...

Here in Province of Québec, the minimum wage was upgraded to $14,50/hoour for every workers but for the waiters who also can benefit from tips, it is $12.50/hour. Now many restaurants are redistributing the tips also to the cooks and dish washers.

The average income in Montreal is around $60 000/year but with our universal health care system and benefits of some jobs it's fair.

Education is also cheaper than in USA or some othe countries in the world as our governenments are subsidizing sckools, colleges and universities.

Our college systemt called «CEGEP» isn't that expensive. Il's aroung $300/ year not including books od other stuff neededt to follow the lessons.

Universities are also cheaper: a student only pay 18% of his fees.
The other 82% is paid by the governments.
A university year cost around $3 000/ year.

VRCooper said...


That sounds good to me. The only thing I have an issue with-may have to research it-is distributing tips to cooks and dishwashers. I hear that in the US there are all kinds of ways restaurant-managers-get ahold of tips and distribute them.

I am half Canadian on my mother's side-NewFoundland. If I was younger and I knew things would get this crazy I might of seeing if I can settle in Canada somewhere. Somewhere quiet.

JiEL said...

Many locations in Canada are that quiet place to live in.
In my Province of Québec the Eastern Townships could be the ideal place for you.
Many Americans like stars and even Hilary Clinton come to visit often. Not sure but I thing she has a cottage there. No issues for anglophones as many villages there are anglophone majority.

On the othe end of the country, British Columbia, Vancouver and Victoria on the Vancouver Island are well known to be nice places to retire. The climate is not too cold and the ocean is nice too.

For sure I live in Montreal and I love my city. Gay life here is so nice and we have no issue living it openly and freely.