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Friday, January 13, 2023


Oh yeah. This will fix the situation...

More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime, leaving low-income people with few options

Maybe stop unrestrained greed in rental prices - and raising the federal minium wage to A LIVING WAGE - would be more helpful. But, what do I know?


Mistress Maddie said...

Just this week here in Harrisburg the city is clearing out a homeless encampment and making them all pack up and move because of a huge infestation of rats. But where do they go????

Don't get me started on a higher minimum wage. Both parties need to get on this once and for all, or we're going to see even more homelessness very soon. I mean most single people can't even afford a apartment rent on their own in large cities anymore. UP THE MINIUM WAGE!!!! Everything seems to go up...EXCEPT peoples wages.

Anonymous said...

I want to believe that most people who are homeless due to economic factors would have a support system of family or friends that could help temporarily. Inadequate as they may be, there are resources available for people trying to get on a better path. It's my impression in Phoenix that most of our chronic homeless problem is a result of substance abuse and mental illness. Homeless camps are dangerous and unhealthy, but many people choose them over shelters because the shelters have rules. The problem goes far beyond high rent and low wages, and the solutions are far too complex to talk about in memes.

I wish we could go back to the days when memes were funny. Aren't we all getting a little tired of cynicism? I recommend more pictures of naked boys and fewer memes.

Big Dude said...

I live in mortal fear of becoming homeless. I am sick of my taxes being wasted on defense contractors. The contractors receive bloated payments for inferior quality equipment. Our soldiers are poorly treated and often on food stamps...then, so many of them become homeless when they get out. Mental hospitals are non-existent (thank you Ronald-fucking- Reagan) and .... I could rant forever, but you guys know the score. FUCK EVERY REPUBLICAN ON EVERY LEVEL!!!!

SickoRicko said...

Anon@11:33pm - It's a very complicated situation with no easy solution. I've been a jaded cynic for decades.

SickoRicko said...

Big Dude - Agreed!

Jimbo said...

Did you see the video this week of that smug, wealthy, San Francisco gallery owner hosing down a homeless woman because she was sitting on the sidewalk in front of his gallery? The cops even admitted that he'd committed assault but did nothing about it.

When they start setting up guillotines...

SickoRicko said...

Jimbo - There will be a shortage of guillotines.

Xersex said...

last one: so true