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Friday, January 06, 2023


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Mistress Maddie said...

And the best part is they're all in biting fighting and taking swipes at each other, including giving it right back to Trump. I find it funny watching the foundations crack.

Xersex said...

There's never a limit to the worst, i can see! Looking for someone worse than T.? it will be a great challenge!

JiEL said...

The election of a Repug speaker of the House is such a farce and very entertaining from a Canadian point of view.

It again shows how fragile and at a turning point is your OLD Constitution.

Two party only is at the limit as one of them is so divided they are blocking the gorvernement to function normaly.

So much has to be done to improve and update that OLD Constitution to be effective in the 21st century.

Meanwhile, the poorest and most of the 99% of Americans are suffering.

Big Dude said...

The Nazipublicans do not care one bit about the country. They are too busy jockeying for their "petits pouvoirs." What a disgusting display of greed, lust for power, and childishness.

elJiffy said...

Agreed. And with consequences so severe that future plotters will think twice about trying to repeat the crime.

taurus9311 said...

It's pathetic to see these repugs fighting with one another. The other sad part of this story is that voters put these people in the government, and the amount of people actually voting is a disgrace. The events in the House show that those who are in government can't govern. The other sad fact is that in spite of all the evidence and facts, Americans still follow these frauds and dismiss their actions as "fake news" or some other rationalization.
The belief and practices of democratic government, balance of power, blind justice, and governing "of the people and for the people" is lost. I'm sad and skeptical that any changes will occur. Voters look at government as some kind of entertainment (these clowns do provide that). Apathy and self-centerness are true foes of our way of life as we know it.

SickoRicko said...

Taurus - The worst part is: This is now the new normal.

whkattk said...

They finally managed to put McCarthy in last night after midnight - on the 15th vote. Now we have 2 years of nonsense to look forward to after he's given away the store to the insurrectionists.

SickoRicko said...

Pat - It's going to be a bumpy ride.