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Monday, July 18, 2022



  1. We just experienced a mass shooting in a mall south of town (Indianapolis). The responses of the Repugs who dominate and run this state said they feel sorrow and stated that this was a great shame that will require prayer. The hypocrisy is so outrageous from so-called leaders who just passed a right to carry guns openly (in spite of strong opposition from the public, law enforcement, and legal experts) and are using the fact that a shopper who had a gun shot the murderer. Now they are saying we need to arm ourselves to protect ourselves and others. Yeah for the NRA! Returned to the days of the wild west. In addition the Attorney General for our state has attacked and defamed the doctor who performed the abortion for the 10 year old rape victim from Ohio in news. reports and in an interview on Fox News. Sorry, I'm venting. It's beyond disgusting.

  2. Taurus - Vent away! That's about all we can do these days.

  3. What in the «fuck» do a 18 yo teenager or any other US citizens think they NEED to own a weapon like a AR-15 ????

    Such none sense for a country which sends probes to Mars or is exploring deep space looking to 14 trillions of lighr years BUT not able to do any baçk check on the mental health of a future AR-15 buyer... ???

    When I see these reports on Uvalde police bad response to this mass shooter, I can only think of all those IDIOTS of RNA and Repugs who are saying: what is better than a bad guy with a gun is a GOOD guy with a gun... So stupid believe when we saw all those policemen with riffles and shields not even having the courage to save those kids and teachers...

  4. JiEL - Just imagine how frustrating it is to live here.

  5. Living in Canada and watching American news- CNN and Seattle channels, I feel good knowing there aren't any mass shootings where I live, only a bunch of rednecks, because I live in Alberta!

  6. Luv - Alberta is nice! Been there once.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.