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Thursday, June 16, 2022


Why are republiKKKan politicans
such evil asswipes??


  1. Money. Money in politics. You hire/elect people who have succumbed to the lure of easy money... they are seduced and then morals go out the windows. That's why there is no ethics board to oversee any of that dark money. And it is all... anything over $100 a person - it is all dark money.

  2. I know you already know the answer to your question, Rick.
    It being "money".
    The very money their election campaigns were subsidized with, plus the money they get each time their votes block any anti-gun law to be.
    USA's politicians seem to be so used to fitting into a Mafia-ruled system only an Elliot Ness could swipe that gangrene. But I am afraid Mr Biden's administration doesn't start to show the means to that end.
    Yet again, though I know I'm praying to your choir : please my American friends make your very best to convince your relatives to go and vote next November.
    These profiteers have to be defeated!

  3. Laurent - Yes, money is the root of all this evil. These people are evil incarnate.

  4. weapons must be a great problem in USA!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.