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Thursday, June 16, 2022


I realize that I get overly angry and agitated sometimes...

Republicans want to ‘reform’ Social Security behind closed doors — beware!

Republican poli­ti­cians are scared to death. They seek to create a smoke-filled room to pro­vide political cover. Of what issue are they so terrified? Social Security.

Republican poli­ticians say they sup­port Social Security. They say they want to elimi­nate its projected shortfall. But do they offer a substantive proposal? Absolutely not. Instead, they hide behind process to avoid political accountability.

They want Democrats to hide with them behind closed doors. The goal is to come up with an unamendable package, supported by Democrats, that is full of benefit cuts and gives Republicans political cover to rob working families of their earned benefits. Fortu­nately, the Democrats will have no part of it.

Democratic policymakers are offering concrete proposals for all the world to see. They are begging their Republican colleagues to release a proposal of their own.

The Democrats are calling the Republicans’ bluff, but the Republicans are refusing to show their cards. Why? Because they are afraid. The reason they are so afraid is not hard to see. They are radically out of step with their own voters.

These evil asswipe republiKKKan politicians have been chomp­ing at the bit for decades to eliminate this safety net for people. (Not to mention Medicare and Medicaid.) If there is only one rea­son to vote BLUE in any and all elections, this is the one. (Not to men­tion the possibility of losing our country to fascists and oligarchs.)


  1. They want us to work until we are dried up husks so they can enjoy their billions. Eat the rich and dump all these MF politicians. F 'em. If they touch Social Security? Take 'em out.

  2. Such a people-related matter can only be led publicly, and certainly not behind the closed doors of whatever 'commission' of politicians no wanting to reveal their low-level/selfish interests that'd go against each and every American's health benefit.
    A debate about Social Security has nothing to do with - and therefore cannot be handled as - a Homeland Security issue. The very fact that Reps want to deal it that way says a lot about how dangerous for them they think it is. All the more reason to lay all the cards in public!

  3. Laurent - Those evil asswipes will lie about all of it to succeed.

  4. They used to understand that one of their biggest constituencies is the over 55 demographic, but they keep trying to screw us. They've wanted to cut Social Security, or privatize it, for decades. Remember George W. Bush saying after the 2004 election, that he had political capital to spend and he was going to take on Social Security with it? That lasted a hot minute. Their attack on absentee and mail-in voting suppresses their voting, too. Stupid stupid stupid, and I hope they pay a high price for it!

  5. Unknown@7:17pm - Not just high, but "ultimate" would be alright with me.

  6. In Italy, we have that situation, with this Institute (look here) that thinks of everything. But we are only 60 million.

  7. Xersex - Thanks for the link.

  8. We have known this is their plan for decades. Now they are saying it out loud but spinning it to make people thinks it's a good idea.
    As Judge Luttig (Ret) just said yesterday: "...are a clear and present danger" to our democratic republic. "They're telling us what they're doing."
    The local and state elections are going to be more important than ever before.

  9. Pat - Absolutely more important than ever before!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.