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Monday, May 23, 2022

Monday GIFs + ...


Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, the power of nature, pic#1!!!

fred said...

OK, I gotta jump in here. That Waterspout video is scary as F$$k, but, that particular one is computer generated. That said, waterspouts, or tornadoes over water, are very real and far more common than you think. The last time I was in a waterspout, I was with a group of friends on an island off the coast of NC. Beautiful day with perfect weather. I looked up, and, to my surprise, I watched as a good sized waterspout formed just off shore. I got all my friend's attention and said quietly: "Don't look at the water right now, but do grab anything important to you and walk directly up the beach to the big pier and get under cover as quickly as possible". The 5 other people knew me well, and did exactly as I instructed. We got most of our stuff and headed up. We were maybe 10 feet away from the pier when the screaming started and people lost their minds. Remember, we are on an Island. Can't just hop in the car and drive away. Well we were at our destination before the freak out and did our best to get as many folks up there as we could. It struck the shallow water just off the beach, made a weird sound I will never forget and simply collapsed dumping tons of water right near us, which came up as a very high, but avoidable wave, filled with many, many fish who were not used to flying in the air. So, yes, we dodged a bullet, lost almost nothing, never panicked and were able to help others not as fortunate. The next 3 ferries that left the island were PACKED with frightened wet people, but we did not care.(We had cold beer, and a driver!) We waited patiently until the 4th Ferry arrived and made the 45 minute run to shore, the cars and dry land safely. I want to say this was in 1980, so I was 27. Good Times!!

SickoRicko said...

fred - Wow, what an amazing story! You described it very well! So much excitement, so much drama, so much - fun? I'm glad you and your group survived to tell the tale! Thank you.