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Saturday, March 19, 2022



JiEL said...

Amen for the universal healthcare which isn't availble in USA as many other social nets.

In Canada we are around 40 million in population, 1/10 of USA's one and we can afford universal healthcare.

I'm always flabbergasted to see ALL those adds on US TV about those medicare insurance companies trying to sell their medicare plans even telling you you have FREE this or that but you have to pay for those coverage.

I'm on our provincial medicare since 2011 when I retired and I'm now having 4 prescription meds. They cost me $89/month. Yesterday I went to my pharmacy to get my meds and brought my broken glucometer. The pharmacist gave me a new one with 100 blood test strips and I only paid $4,98 for the strips.
The glucometer was a prescription, $0 for it as its price was $45.

JiEL said...

Forgot to say that here in Province of Quebec, which is about to be available in some other provinces, you have access to subsudise day care for you children which will cost you $10/can per day. The provincial government is paying the other part of the fees.

If you go to a CEGEP (2 or 3 years college) it only cost $250/Can a year.

For university, the governments are funding them as 83% of the cost per year and the students pay the other 18% which is around $3000/Can per year.

College and university's students can apply for governement students loans with very affordable ways to pay them back when they will have a job after.
If their income isn't high, them will also be canditates for some study scholarship which is no need to pay it back.

uptonking said...

We are no longer a capitalistic society, we are an oligarchy, because only the rich are in power and make decisions for the poor. It's time for a revolution.