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Saturday, March 12, 2022



JiEL said...

What the Europeans were confronted when they came to North America is that the natives people here were led by a «matriarcha». Women in native tribes were the ones who were leading their politics and lives.

Even today in native people women are consulted before any decisions.

I was born in 1950 and my mom couldn't even open a bank account and had to take the name of her husband and let asside her maiden name.
Funny story she likes to say is back them she did sign dad's pay cheks immitating his signature because dd wasn't at home while on buisness trips so she needed money for the groceries. So the bank called my dad to confront him because they discovered it.

My dd told them that he knew it and he was ok with what mom was doing.

Many women back in the 50's and even in the 60's couldn't sign their texts as screen or authors. One of our famous woman TV show author had to sign the name of her husband to be accepted in TV corportions.

Since then women's rights have evolve but in some places like Florid or Texas they are still going backwards. Kind of bizare as I'm thinking of Muslims countries in that matter.. Religion again is making it as two levels of humans...

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Religion is having too much influence in politics these days.

uptonking said...

WOW. You hit this one out of the park, Rick. Thanks. This is eye opening stuff...

LeftField said...

I never thought of Frankenstein as science fiction. It has the elements of a Gothic novel. Just because it was written by a woman and is a scientist doesn't make it science fiction; it's important to not everything about the cause du jour.

SickoRicko said...

LeftField - That's a very good point.