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Tuesday, November 02, 2021


This is our cat Dexter and he likes to sit on my lap while I'm at the computer. It was becoming more difficult for him to jump from the floor so I put that white box there to help him. I put one at the end of the bed also. He'll be 17 in January.


Mistress Maddie said...

I adore black cats!!!!! Im a dog person myself...but had one cat...who was very well behaved and a diva....she was the perfect cat...and the only one I've had.

bobbert said...

I bet he is a constant loyal companion?

BatRedneck said...

Best anti-depressant ever.

Xersex said...

so nice friend

Anonymous said...

Had cat that lived to be 21. My gosh missed it and cryed fo day when it passed on. Larry

SickoRicko said...

bobbert - Yes, he is.

Larry - They are a part of us.

Anonymous said...

I have two black cats who can luckily still jump (though I curse them from time to time, since they usually pick the worse of times). They're responsible for numerous typos, airplane mode, prt sc, ecc. I've actually had to learn a lot about the computer trying to reverse their laptop antics.

Luv chocolate said...

I have a friend who is a cat rescuer, her and her husband have had so many cats over the years, so many different personalities.

Milleson said...

At first I couldn't get the perspective on your photo. Saw the blue plaid, thought it was your shirt, and patch pockets on your grey pants. But that wasn't right, then realized you were wearing zipper front fleece and some very snazzy leisure pants, with the best lap warmer for these cooler days ahead. Adorable, Rick. You're both lucky to have each other.

SickoRicko said...

Anon@4:19pm - Oh, I understand about all of that!

Luv chocolate - Yeah, they come that way.

Milleson - I am very, very lucky.

uptonking said...

Nice of you to help accommodate him. 17 is a good life. I miss both The Boyfriend's older cats. They were such dears. Great lap warmers.