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Sunday, September 19, 2021



BatRedneck said...

When I was a kid I fancied the Bible's tales for what they were and as they were told to me: tales, filled with magic, heroes of sort, the Holy winning over Evil, etc
Then I grew up and, around twelve or thirteen I was 'assigned' to serving Mass in latin (yep, my parents were that kind) and realised there was way more questions popping up in my head than all the believers I was surrounded with could ever answer. And trust me I asked!
Each and every reliable answer I found came from logical, science-minded educated people. They did not, at any point, try to destroy my (infantile) religious beliefs, but they gave me the means to do so by myself.
After years of indoctrination I willingly became an atheist.
No magic was involved. I only decided to think by myself.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - Thank you for sharing that. If only everyone had the ability to think for themselves, there would be far, far fewer religious people.

JiEL said...

What History is teachint us is that when in the middle ages and early Renaissance, Christian Churches were saying that the Earth was the center of the universe and that the Earth was going around the Sun.

Something that ancient civilisations like the Mayas or Aztecks had already found that the Earth is revolving around the Sun and their cosmology was far more advanced too.

Also, in the medical scene, Leonardo Da Vinci had to hide to be able to disect some dead bodies to do his researches on the human anatomy. Then they were thinking that the heart was the center of emotions.
How mistaken they were on many side of anatomy and that did improve as soon as religion could get its nose out of scientific researches.

So sad to hear and see how some biggot and stupid Americans can still deny scientific facts and still put their lives in the hands of «religion».
Heard it on CNN when that stupid lady said that she's a «Christian» like it will solve all her issues.

Unashamed Male said...

Regarding “It’s hard to be a theist when you’re taking a stroll down the hallways of a children’s hospital.” That’s true if you’re logical. Then you must agree with the argument of philosopher David Hume:

1. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
2. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
3. Is he both able and willing? Then evil couldn’t exist. (But evil does exists, so this can’t be true.)
4. Is neither able nor willing? Then he is not God.

Hume attributed this argument to Epicurus, but this seems unlikely, because it assumes a single benevolent God. In ancient Greek theology, there were multiple gods quarreling with each other. None of them was omnipotent (because there were other gods opposing them) and none of them was universally benevolent (for example, the gods took sides during the Trojan War, with some gods favoring the Trojans and others favoring the Greeks). So the ancient Greek religion could explain anything, including the sick children in the hospital, as the whim of some god.

Adherents of religions like Christianity, however, simply abandon logic, which is why it's useless to try to argue with them.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Imagine how much further advanced the world would be without religious influence.

Larry - I have a meme somewhere with Hume's argument. Makes sense to me.

JiEL said...

The Alexandria library was burnt down because of religion.

The arab invader saw that it was filled with precious knowledge and wanted to keep those but sending a messenger to his religious leader he had this answer: burn ALL the book that aren't in phase with Muslim Koran teachings.

He then burnt down all of it. This was a huge place with such knowledge that humanity would not be the same if it could be saved.

In 642 AD, Alexandria was captured by the Muslim army of 'Amr ibn al-'As. Several later Arabic sources describe the library's destruction by the order of Caliph Omar.[94][95] Bar-Hebraeus, writing in the thirteenth century, quotes Omar as saying to Yaḥyā al-Naḥwī: "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.


SickoRicko said...

JiEL - OMG! What a waste! It's like I said before...

uptonking said...

I like that last one. Should be a bumper sticker.

I think our life spans have tripled. People routinely died in their 30's. I plan on being 119 years old.