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Friday, July 16, 2021



whkattk said...

That last one: That will lead us first into being a Banana Republic, then into an Oligarchy, then --- if the country is not careful --- into Authoritarianism which, in turn, slides quickly and easily into Dictatorship.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - I worry about those things happening.

JiEL said...

No.1 Is just what we are living with in Canada for decades and seem Canada is in good shape and not on the verge of any destroction.

No.2 We also have some of what Bernie Sanders here in Canada BUT for ALL ages.
Even more that when you are more than 60yo many things like eye exams are free.

For your elections, it seem they are going toward a control of GOPQ to pervent them to loose any other elections like in 2020. They said that the 2020 election was rigged. Well seems it's like THEY are the ones to keeping on to rigg the next ones.

Milleson said...

If this collection of memes doesn't get the Democrats, Independents and the few sane republicans to gear up for the fight ahead to protect the vote, I don't know what will. It's damn shameful that we have to go to war to preserve the sanctity of the ballot box.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yes, THEY are the ones trying to rig the elections.

Milleson - I really worry that some kind of violence is going to happen.

JiEL said...

With Jan 6 it's just a glimps of what those tugs are able to do as GOPQ said they weres only «peaceful tourists».

Also with what Gen. Milley said you can expect more of those kind of tourists soon ...