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Friday, June 25, 2021



whkattk said...

Right on, Doc. Right on.

Mistress Maddie said...

I think I busted a gut over that first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milleson said...

Ricko, how dare you defame our beloved Golden Girls with that meme. Seriously, what a bevy of ugly bitches!!! And all the rest are gut-punching to the point. Everyone a winner! You done extra good today.

JiEL said...

Aunt Grabby did so nicely hit GOP of Texas in their balls....

OOPS! Must admit that she could have hit an empty pouch as GOP have no balls at all.

For taxes paying for public education, here in Canada and mostly in Province of Québec, we pay taxes on many levels of governments and we even have in cities the «school board» taxe to pay for all of any education levels.

We never complained about is as it gives ALL of our kids the chance to be educated from primary school way up to university.
For the university, the tuitions paid by the students is only 18% of the total cost of it.

Back in time there was the famous «Ann Lander» that often said that of all the letters she is receiving she can tell if they come from Canada or USA.
The ones from Canada were the most well written of all.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Well, thank you.

JiEL - Actually, Dems are the ones without balls, otherwise they'd be steamrolling over the repugs. The letters from Canada sound about right.

JiEL said...

You're right that the Democrats should have more «balls» but they are the «good guys» and are acting too softly for sure.
The way Retrumplicons are acting so badly and with any illegal punches they never bother to be «nice» and are always showing hate of something instead of being more «constructive» ones.

If Dems would act in the same way they would maybe put in the same bag then Republicons and therefore wouldn't be better.

It's a very complicated situation in USA as you only have two parties. No other alternative to that way to govern.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yes, it's much more complicated than it needs to be, that's for sure.